Why do we struggle with emotions and feelings? There is a deep rooted piece of who we are that seems to be socially unacceptable to talk about. Yet if we are to be wholistic followers of Christ, how are we to honestly love God if we haven’t learned to express the hurts and pains deep within us. It’s through the raw emotion and feeling that we authentically learn to love God with our Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength. So while it’s popular social etiquette to mask our feelings and cover up our emotions, The Blessed Soul strives to address these hidden thoughts and feelings. Through the Blessed Soul, we will face unspoken emotions head on. Not only will we create a space that approves conversations about these things as acceptable, but also take the moment to be real about hurts and pains. Inside of this authenticity, we will read scripture that echos our sentiment. And once we have fully understood and addressed these moments, we will speak blessing over the pieces of us that are often hidden and unpopular to talk about. The Blessed Soul is a daily podcast airing Monday through Friday each week. These episode range from 5-10 minutes. These Podcast are a product of calibratedvalues.com.

Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
What Good Can Come From Nazareth
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Nazareth, can anything good come from there?
What a hurtful question! Not just the question, but the discriminatory bigotry behind how he said it.
Philip came to Nathanael and said, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote - Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.
And this was his response. He basically said that Nazareth was worthless, and anyone who came from it had no value too.
Now if someone had come to me and said this about me, my family, or even my home town, I would have written them off. No need to talk to me, if this is how you feel, go back to your little self-centered world. I’ll be fine on my own.
So Philip tells Nathanael, “come and see.”
Somehow, that was enough for Nathanael to follow Philip to meet Jesus.
Before they could even get all the way over to Jesus, He calls out to Nathanael - “now Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.”
Nathanael was shocked. “How do you know me?” He asks.
Jesus responded, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree, before Philip called you.”
Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the son of God; you are the king of Israel.”
It’s interesting. When someone offends me, I write them off. I dont’ want to hear from them, talk to them, or even look at them.
There is something deep inside of me that is so self protective, that I instantly want to fight someone who says something hurtful towards me. Yet Jesus takes away Nathanael’s discriminatory remarks, and gives him a place as his friend. Is it possible that I’ve allowed my offense by someone else’s ignorant remarks, to cause me to shut someone off, and ultimately miss the chance to have a close relationship with them?

Monday Mar 28, 2022
Ceremonial Jars
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
I’m so unimpressed with impressive people.
You know the ones who have it all together, and who have a list of talents a mile long.
Or how unfair are gorgeous people? The ones that wake up looking better than I do after a couple hours trying to get myself ready.
I watch talented people, and secretly hope they fail.
I listen to great speakers, and critique their every word.
I’ve sat next to super wise, knowledge filled geniuses, and despised every word they said.
Some would say jealousy.
While that has a piece in materializing what is happening below the surface, it’s not the culprit.
So what is?
It’s a fear of being. . . . unimpressive in the shadow of the impressive. Because if I’m not impressive, then what do I amount to? And if I don’t amount to anything, no one would notice me. And unfortunately, if no one notices me, I tend to believe God doesn’t see me either.

Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Has it ever felt like God has put you on hold?
Like you were waiting for an answer, and instead of God working on your behalf, everyone else was getting answers, while you sat there waiting?
This happened to a man named Jairus.
He was so scared.
His only daughter was at home, dying.
So he frantically looked for Jesus, believing he could come and save her.
Jairus raced around, his heart beating out of his chest, as he desperately looked for Jesus. He believed Jesus could heal her, and when he saw him, he threw himself down at Jesus’ feet, and pleaded with him to come to his house.
I can imagine there was a sense of relief as Jesus agreed to follow him.
I think we have all been in one of these moments before. When we desperately need God to answer our prayers. You know that moment, when you would do anything, just for God to move on your behalf. Sometimes it feels like we are forgotten, and left to struggle. And then in a moment, Jairus saw a glimmer of hope!
Jairus must have been so excited when Jesus said he would go to his house. I imagine he jumped to his feet, and felt a deep sense of urgency, as the cure for his daughter was coming to his house.
As he pressed through the people, and tried to pull Jesus along, he probably lost all patience. After all, he was ready to get Jesus there, and see his daughter healed.
But then, Jesus stopped in his tracks.
Who touched me?
Even the disciples couldn’t believe what was happening. There were people everywhere, and they were in a hurry, yet Jesus stopped to ask who touched him.
I can imagine how impatient Jairus would have been as Jesus talked with this woman who touched him. He probably sat there and shook his head. Maybe his thoughts sounded like this,
Really Jesus? My daughter is dying, and you are worried about who touched you? Is that really more important than my daughter? This lady is healed, yet we stand here talking still.

Thursday Mar 24, 2022
The Woman With Blood
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
She was outcast.
Not everyone understands that about her.
But she was.
She was different. She struggled with a problem, and no one could help her resolve it. But she didn’t let that hold her back. She knew Jesus could help her. So while the piles of people pressed in, she squeezed her way through. Not having the strength, or the ability to fight the crowds, she got down low and pressed on.
It’s interesting, from what we read, no one even helped her get closer. So by the time it happened. The entire crowd was confused. Jesus asks, “Who touched me?”
The disciples looked around. They could hardly breath the crowds were pressing in so hard. They were almost crushed. The disciples were pushed side to side, and struggled to walk. Yet Jesus is worried about who touched him? What does this mean?
So Peter answered, “master, the people are crowding and pressing against you.”
But Jesus said, “someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.”
What was Jesus saying?
Someone, had an encounter with him.
While everyone else, selfishly pushed in and tried to get close to Jesus, this woman desperately needed to touch him! It’s interesting, because this woman would have been seen by everyone. Because of her blood issues, she would have been deemed unclean. Chances are, no one was willing to help her.
So she was left to get close to Jesus on her own.
Why do we do that to people?

Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Apple Of God’s Eye
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
When I look at my kids, I am in love with them.
In all of their uniqueness and abilities, Through their personalities, likes, and dislikes, I can’t help but look at them, and think the world of them. In fact, it’s this love, that makes me willing to do anything for them.
If they were ever in trouble, I would do anything to help them. If they ever have fear, I will do whatever it takes to protect them. When they hurt, I truly hurt too. When the are down, I would give anything to lift their spirits!
I fall asleep thinking of them at night, and wake up looking for them right away. They are my closest friends - only second to my wife. And they have me, however they might need me!
I would do anything for them! Myself aside, I will always fight for them and love them no matter what!
To be honest, that’s pretty easy for me, as a parent. I look at them, and am so proud! They cause a sparkle in my eye, and a smile deep in my heart.
Do you know what that is like?
To have someone feel that way about you?
OH, you might not have every heard someone talk about you that way, but guess what? You have someone that feels that way about you!
The very creator of the universe, looks at you, and adores you!
You are the world to him!

Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
I can see I’ve offended you.
Have you been there before? Knowing that you have done something that has hurt someone else or let them down? There is a feeling that comes with this.
It’s an ugly, lonely feeling. It can control you and hijack your thoughts.
When we have guilt, we become ashamed. Not wanting to show our face.
It can cause us to retreat, and push people away.
But did you know that guilt can be healthy. It causes us to re-evaluate and make different decisions. It can even bring about growth and change. We’ve made the word guilty so obnoxious and painful. But really, guilt is a response to admitting we’ve done wrong. Whether intentionally or not, guilt admits we’ve failed to meet an expectation.
There is extreme health to acknowledging guilt. It brings resolution. Without the recognition of guilt, we will never have reconciliation. It’s an important, healthy, feeling.
But does God want us to live in guilt? Or is that something working against us?
David writes the 143rd Psalm about this. He is in a time of feeling great sorry and misery. He says,
Lord, hear my prayer,
Listen to my cry for mercy;
In your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief.
Do not bring your servant into judgment,
For no one living is righteous before you.
He is pleading with God. Don’t judge me solely on what is right. I have failed. But who doesn’t fail! Who is perfect nougat to be righteous before God?
But listen to how he describes the next part.
The enemy’s pursues me,
He crushes me to the ground;
He makes me dwell in the darkness like those long dead.
So my spirit grows faint within me;
My heart within me is dismayed.
What is he experiencing?

Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
What would you do with infinite power and strength?
I think every kid, especially young boys, dream of having a super power -able to withstand any battle - or able to single handedly take on an entire villain army all at once. I remember even into my teenage years, dreaming about impressing my peers by being able to take on the strongest kid in class without even breaking a sweat.
They might throw a punch in my daydream and I would simply reach my hand up and grab their fist before it could hit me. Or maybe they punch me as hard as they can in the face, and I wouldn’t even budge or flinch. It’s intriguing, not because I sat there and thought about what good I might be able to do, but because of what the people around me might think.
We watch superhero movies and dream of being them, while wondering what was the bad guy thinking. Little kids run around pretending to be Iron Man or (my personal favorite) Batman. Their little minds can only be enticed by this thought of power and strength. As we get older we learn to mask such attraction, but the truth is, you and I sat through the entire Comic series allowing ourselves to be drawn straight into every dynamic character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
There is an attraction to strength and power.
And the truth is, we are all attracted to it.
But let’s be honest. If I had infinite power. . . I would use it for good. . . . But starting with the good I want! I would hav a really hard time using it for antigen other than. .. ME !

Friday Mar 18, 2022
Committed Plans
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? These are the words of Jeremiah 17:9
What does that mean?
I have lots of ideas in my heart. I know what I want for my life, and what I hope to see happen. So why doesn’t it always turn out the way I planned?
Sometimes when I look back, I can see where my planning and my actions, actually contradicted what I wanted to see happen. I know the intent, I know the desired outcome. But for some reason, I see how I made decisions, and then act in a way, that completely led me in a different direction. It’s because of my heart. It is always in motion chasing after something. And sometimes, I fail to direct it. So it leads me in the wrong direction.
But thank God for his goodness. Without him, I would never see results that I hope for. That is why God is always correcting our step, and helping us align with him.

Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Good Luck
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Good luck!
Have you ever had someone say that to you?
Have you ever said that to someone else?
I know it’s a pleasantry,
But think about what is wrapped up in that statement.
Good luck. . .
In others words,
There is no hope. So, here’s to throwing hope to the wind. Maybe something might accidentally come of it. Or maybe if you work hard enough, maybe something unlikely will happen.
It’s kind of a disappointingly hopeless sentiment.
At least go Star Wars on me, and say, “May the force be with you!
Then you are at least believing for a good outcome.
But Good luck. .. . It’s pointlessly hopeless.

Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Calm The Storm
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
There was a deep dark storm.
The kind that makes the hair on the back of your neck stick up.
Fierce, dark - storm clouds howled through the air, as rain pelted down like arrows from the sky. Steep waves crashed down with infinite power, as the tiny boat was tossed back and forth, being thrown from wave to wave. Loud thunder crackled through he storm, as bolts of lightning snapped across the bow of the boat.
The disciples, were terrified.
They were caught in the most life threatening moment they had ever experienced. And where was Jesus?
Sleeping. . . . .
Has it ever felt like Jesus was sleeping, when you needed him to answer.