Why do we struggle with emotions and feelings? There is a deep rooted piece of who we are that seems to be socially unacceptable to talk about. Yet if we are to be wholistic followers of Christ, how are we to honestly love God if we haven’t learned to express the hurts and pains deep within us. It’s through the raw emotion and feeling that we authentically learn to love God with our Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength. So while it’s popular social etiquette to mask our feelings and cover up our emotions, The Blessed Soul strives to address these hidden thoughts and feelings. Through the Blessed Soul, we will face unspoken emotions head on. Not only will we create a space that approves conversations about these things as acceptable, but also take the moment to be real about hurts and pains. Inside of this authenticity, we will read scripture that echos our sentiment. And once we have fully understood and addressed these moments, we will speak blessing over the pieces of us that are often hidden and unpopular to talk about. The Blessed Soul is a daily podcast airing Monday through Friday each week. These episode range from 5-10 minutes. These Podcast are a product of calibratedvalues.com.

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Spring is in the air.
I woke this morning to the early sound of a robin singing a song just outside my window. It was carefree. The Robin didn’t know that the day was going to be long. It wasn’t concerned about what it would eat, or what it would wear. It just sang. A happy song of joy chirped into the early morning light.
When I first heard it, I was annoyed. I mean, the sun wasn’t even fully up yet.
But as I sat there listening, you could tell the carefree spirit of the bird.
I thought, what a life!
Not worrying about meetings of the day.
Not stressed over it’s studies, or grades.
Not overwhelmed by relationships
Just up early, singing and enjoying life.
Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up this way.
To wake up and not think about everything that was going to need your attention today. To not stress the pressures of success, finance, other people’s opinion. Wouldn’t life be much easier to escape those pressures!
Jesus thinks so too.

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
You are, a real treasure!
But sometimes, you don’t feel like one do you?
A man was walking, when he saw a field for sale. The field peeked his interest, so he decided to walk through the land. As he walked, something caught his eye. It wasn’t easily seen, it was covered in muddy dirt, and it was in the part of the land that seemed overrun. But he decided to dig around in the dirt anyway. And when he did, he found a priceless treasure. It was buried right there. Most people would have walked past it and not even given it a second glance. But this man found a priceless treasure.
In his excitement, he hurried the treasure, ran home, sold everything he had, and went back and bought the field. He was so excited to purchase such a land.
Imagine other people, as they watched this man buy this field. Some might have said, “What a waste of money! Doesn’t he know this field is worthless?”
Others may have even remarked, “This field? What good will ever come out of this field?”
But the man, didn’t care!
Because he knew the treasure that nestled deep in the dirt.

Friday Mar 11, 2022
Don’t Worry, Just Pray
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
I would like to say that I am the type of person, that doesn’t worry.
But the truth is, I don’t worry. . . . I just think a lot!
My mind never shuts off.
When I lay down at night time, I can’t sleep.
I’m always processing the next big idea,
Or dreaming of what could be. . . .
It’s not like I’m worried about these things. I just think a lot. . . I mean A LOT!
I can’t stop my mind from going, even though I would love to just turn it off at times.
I’ve often pawned this off as a good thing,
After all, I’m not worrying, I’m just dreaming and thinking. . .

Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
That word seemed like a death sentence over the past couple of years. It came with questions, anxiety, and even doubt.
What if I never recover?
What if my final days are spent in isolation?
What if the rest of the world continues to carry on without me?
Sickness, in and of itself, is frustratingly difficult.
But when you add the isolation of quarantine, it makes it so much worse.
Over the past year, people from all walks of life faced quarantine.
It discriminated against none, and constantly pulled people into it.
But while a virus pulled millions of people into quarantine,
It wasn’t a new feeling for so many people.
Sure, this time it was attached to the uncertainty of a sickness.
But leading up to this, isolation has plagued people for years. You know that feeling - like you are all alone. The sense you get, when you realize you have no where to turn, no one to care. Sometimes it’s because of some friction between us and others. Other times, it’s just simply how we feel inside.

Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Noah Saves
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Somewhere, in the twinkling of a star laced ceiling, where soft lavender fabrics and cushy pillows line warm areas of comfort, a young baby sighs. And in a gentle blink of an exhausted eye, they catch a familiar and safe glimpse of the loving arms rocking them to sleep. And as they drift slowly into a peaceful relaxation, they open their eyes one last time. Their eyes meet the soft glow of a night light, nestled gently in the corner of the room. And on it. . . A boat, with hipster styled animals standing confidently together, as they commemorate a profound story.
In fact, all throughout the room, lies hints of Noah, and his merry band of travelers.
This nursery isn’t unique. In fact, choirs of nurseries around the world, echo this same theme.
If you aren’t familiar with this story, It comes from the book of Genesis.
It’s a story of Noah, and his faithfulness to God.
IN a time when all men sought out selfish ambition,
And only did evil - all the time.
Noah desired what was right.
What happened next, is one of the most controversial stories in the Bible.
God instructs Noah to build an ark. And then bringing his family and a remnant of animals on board with him, God closes the doors. And then rain floods the earth and destroys every living thing that remained outside the boat.
Why did God do that?
Now the interesting thing about your answer to that question, is that it says more about how you view God, than it does anything else.

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Why Do the Wicked Prosper
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Why do the wicked prosper?
Have you ever watched someone, so undeserving, seem to get all sorts of reward. I’ve seen people get favored, and even receive honor, and the entire time, all I could think is - do you really know them?
It’s like the cool kids - who only care about themselves, only get more and more popularity and favor.
Or that coworker, who slips out the door early, and cuts corners to get the job done, seems to get bonus after bonus.
Listen to Proverbs 19:1-3
Better to be poor and honest
Than to be dishonest and a fool.
That’s easy to say, but the truth is,
those fools, don’t seem so foolish. . .
It sure seems like people can act selfish, greedy, ignorant, and evil, and still get rewarded and blessed.
In fact, sometimes, it almost doesn’t’ seem worth it to do the right thing. Why do the honorable thing when people get away with doing wrong. And even seem to prosper while doing evil?

Monday Mar 07, 2022
Joy Joy Down In My Heart
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
When was the last time you had deep joy?
I’m not talking happiness. That’s different.
You see, happiness is a response for something I like. As soon as the thing that brought me happiness is gone, so is my happiness.
But joy, joy is different. Joy says, I don’t care what happens. I’m still good.
Joy can hear someone talk bad about us, and let it bounce right off us.
Joy takes a hard critique from a professor, or a bad review from a boss, and says, “lesson learned. Let’s move on and try again!”
It’s this type of joy that Nehemiah talks about when he says, “Don’t be dejected and sad, for the Joy of the Lord is your strength!”
He was telling them, we just read the word of the Lord, you see how you’ve missed the mark, and things aren’t how God intended. But don’t be dejected. There is a joy that will help you walk through this!
When was the last time you had that type of joy?
If you are like me, your thinking time, is more riddled with frustrations, concerns, and failures, than it is thoughts of joy.
Nehemiah is telling the people, you won’t find joy if you look at yourself. I think that’s because we as human beings, are competitive - which causes us to be critical of ourselves.. .
So we have to stop, take the pressure off ourselves to produce joy, and allow God to fill us with it. In fact, it’s the joy of the Lord, that gives us strength.

Friday Mar 04, 2022
Feed My Sheep
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
What do you do, when everything you’ve put your hands to, comes crashing to an end?
What is left, when you’ve done all that you can, but it wasn’t good enough?
Have you ever been there?
Have you ever had that moment, where everything you’ve known, fails to make sense?
It was a long night.
The disciples were out on the water, fishing.
It’s what they new best. And if what they were doing, when Jesus was around, was no longer what they were called to, then why not fish.
But wouldn’t you know it. Just like everything else in their life, it was an unsuccessful night! They caught NOTHING!
Peter probably slumped over the boat, feeling like a failure. After all, the night before Jesus was put to death, He denied Jesus three times. One of those times, he even cursed his name to a servant girl. In his time with Jesus, he had doubted him while walking on water, was told to Get behind Jesus as Satan, And he caped it off by denying him in his last moments.
Peter - felt like a failure. . .
But then, as the sun illuminated the edge of the beach, Peter saw a man calling out to them. Once he realized it was Jesus, He stood up, grabbed his outer cloak, and jumped into the water. Perhaps he expected to be able to walk on water again. Or maybe, he was just so hurt, that he was longing for a moment to seek a second chance.
After eating, Jesus pulled Peter to the side.
In this moment, we hear one of the most famous conversations.
Jesus asks Peter 3 different times, Do you love me? After Peter’s response, each time, Jesus says, then feed my sheep.
Now there is a lot of study on the words in this exchange between Jesus and Peter. While Jesus refers to an Agape - unconditional love, and Peter responds in a Phileo brotherly love, there is something even bigger happening here.
Jesus hoped to help Peter understand God’s unconditional love. Yet each time Jesus asks this, and Peter responds with a yes, there is a common command that follows. Then feed my sheep, or take care of my lambs.
Do you know what Jesus was really showing him?
That Peter’s purpose was not discarded because of his past. . .
After the first question of Peters love, Jesus reassigns him purpose. Feed my lambs.
And then two more times, Jesus reassures his purpose.
You see, this wasn’t about Peter being forgiven for denying Jesus, It wasn’t an attempt to get Peter to feel better about what had happened.
this was an invitation for Peter to be part of what Jesus was doing.

Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Walking On Water
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Peter walked on water.
But why?
What caused him to step out of a perfectly good boat,
And onto the turbulent waters of the sea?
Jesus didn’t ask him to.
In fact, Peter suggested it to him.
So why would he do it?
Perhaps, the answer to that, is one you and I can resonate with all too well.
It was a pretty adventurous day. Miracles were done, the gospel was preached, and people were ministered too, all without rest or food. Then word comes that John had been beheaded. And in an attempt to get away and rest, thousands of hungry, helpless people crowd around them on a remote hillside.
Being late in the day, they came to Jesus with concern - It’s late, and these people need to be fed.
But what does Jesus tell them?
“You give them something to eat!”
Listen to their response to Jesus in Mark 6:37
“That would take more than half a year’s wages! Are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat?”
In other words,
Hold on! We’ve given everything we can. And now you want us to go and use up more energy and resource.
It’s a familiar feeling we don’t like to admit at times, but it sounds more like this,
What do you want from me? Do you see what I’ve already done? IS THERE NO END TO IT?

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Miraculously Fed
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Why’s it so easy to expect the worse?
We can watch, as things unravel in front of us, and yet it’s so hard to see the possibilities of what could happen.
What if we were able to expect more!
What if we didn’t default to the negative - but were able to have a sense of hope, excitement, and expectation.
The idea was that Jesus and the disciples would get away.
After all, they were processing deep grief.
But as they went along, people kept following them!
Have you ever noticed, it’s when you need a break the most, that people seem to become more needy.
So they kept their heads down, and just kept moving on.
But as the boat approached, Jesus looked at the people.
His heart broke with deep compassion.
So he ministered to them. In fact, he ministered to them all day.
Soon the people were hungry.
The disciples came to Jesus, alerting him of the situation.
But Jesus instructed, “You give them something to eat.”
This is interesting, because just before they got there, Jesus acknowledged that they hadn’t eaten yet and they were worn out. So, he wanted to get away.
And yet now he tells them to feed the people?